Nimrod is a cyber and predictive, big data tech expert and investor and board member in startups. At HFN, Nimrod focuses on Tech Regulation and disruptive digital technologies, Internet and Cyber laws, Ad-tech, Monetization, e-Commerce and Fintech.
Previously, he was a venture partner, investor at JVP Labs, a leading global VC, focusing personally on early stage investments, disruptive digital technologies and company building around core innovation. At JVP Cyber Labs, he focused on Cyber investments and Big Data and co-led the VC state-sponsored incubator for Cyber Security & Big Data in Beer Sheva, Israel.
Academically, Dr. Kozlovski initiated the Cyber Security studies at TA University MBA program and teach classes on Cyber Security and Information Security paradigms and architecture and on Internet laws and Data Protection. Previously, he taught at Kellogg Executive MBA Global Network program.
His background is as an entrepreneur (Internet & Information security companies) and co-founder of start-ups (Plymedia & Altal) & Consultant to start-ups, high-tech companies and governmental bodies. Specialties: Cyber, Big Data Analytics, Internet law, New Media, Information Security
Herzog, Fox, Neeman (HFN) is a leading International Israeli law firm. Over the past 40 years, HFN has grown to become Israel’s premier law firm, earning a reputation as market leader through its involvement in every major development that has shaped the Israeli economy.